
Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Will Work for Beads

By 8:16 AM

Josiah will do just about anything for a shiny string of Mardi Gras beads.

Dangle a strand just out of reach and that boy snaps to attention.

It's best to keep a nice stash of them on hand, which is why I frequent the Dollar Store to load up.

It's why I try to keep some in my purse and in the van and in Rick's car.

It's also why the aides on Josiah's morning and afternoon buses each keep a string of beads.

I'm telling you, life is just much easier with beads in tow.

This morning, after breakfast, I brought out the tooth brush, with just a hint of toothpaste on it and offered it to Josiah.

He turned away.

Josiah is orally defensive. Pretty much all of his life, so far, he has detested having his teeth brushed.

Rick has had better luck getting Josiah to brush than I have.

By being extremely patient, by coaxing and encouraging each teeny, tiny little movement Josiah makes with the toothbrush towards his mouth, Rick has actually gotten Josiah to kind-of, sort-of brush his own teeth.

However, I'm not sure a dentist would approve of the quality of cleaning Josiah's teeth receive with this approach.

There's just not much cleaning going on. A few teeth get minimal attention.  The rest are pretty much ignored.

The alternative I guess is to hold Josiah down (it would take 2 of us) and force the issue.  Not fun for anyone.  And it certainly wouldn't be beneficial in guiding Josiah towards more independence.

So, while we are grateful Rick's approach is working, and it IS progress, it is s-l-o-w progress.

This morning, the bus was about to pull up.  If Josiah was going to greet the day with fresh breath, we needed those teeth brushed quickly.

When Josiah turned away at the presence of his tooth brush,  I quickly produced a brand new pair of shiny blue beads.

"Brush first, then beads" is all I said.

That boys mouth popped open.

Top and bottom teeth were brushed lickety split.  I even got a few quick swipes across his tongue.

I did a Google search this morning.  I learned more than 3 million beads will be thrown at Mardi Gras Galveston on February 1, 2013.

We will be there.

I'm bringing a wheel barrow.

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