
Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

An Adventurous Spirit

By 9:58 AM

What an amazing summer we had this year.  It was packed full of activity and excitement.

Through it all, Josiah was pretty incredible.  

I'm not sure how that happened.  But, I'm very grateful that it did.

I think our little guy is becoming quite the adventurer.

Here's how I know.  

In July, Josiah watched his family and some friends speed around a track in go-carts. It was loud. It was dark. Josiah had never been in a go-cart before. Ever. 

We didn't think he'd enjoy the experience so we took turns keeping an eye on him. 

And then, Josiah surprised us all.  He marched up to the entrance gate and waited for a turn.  He just stood there.  No one else was in line.  Just Josiah.

He ended up loving it.  I think he rode 3 times.

In August, Josiah donned a life jacket and climbed aboard a wave runner.  It was loud.  It was very FAST.  Josiah had never been on a wave-runner before.  Ever.

We weren't sure he'd enjoy the experience so we almost didn't go.

And then, Josiah surprised us all.  He smiled and he bounced and he giggled.  He leaned over and dragged his hand through the water.  He even fell overboard and splashed into the ocean, quite unexpectedly (along with his dad and his brother). It didn't phase him in the least.

He ended up loving it.  I think he would do it again in a heartbeat.

In September, (just yesterday), Josiah watched as his sister, mom and dad climbed into a Surrey in Galveston.  It was big.  It was strange looking.  Josiah had only been in a surrey once before, when he was too little to probably even remember it.

Rick lifted Josiah onto the seat.  He scrambled right off.  Josiah ran through the parking lot back towards our car.  

Rick scooped him up and plopped him in the surrey again.  Josiah wriggled away and ran off.

And then, Josiah surprised us all.  After we got him settled in his seat, he relaxed and smiled and bounced.  (do you sense a theme with the bouncing?)

He ended up loving it.  When it was over and we helped him down, Josiah climbed right back up in his seat.  I know he would ride it again.

Children with challenges often times need routine and structure and normalcy.  

Nothing about our summer was routine or structured or normal.  Josiah embraced it all.  I am loving his adventurous spirit.

In October, we're going skydiving.

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