Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Eating Out

By 9:31 PM

Eating out with Josiah can be challenging. If you ask his siblings, they would probably describe it as frustrating. Chaotic. Embarassing. Never the less, every once in a while we attempt it any way. I'm not really sure why.

I've been told Josiah does great on school field trips to restaurants. Apparently, he sits well, waits patiently, eats nicely. I believe his teachers when they tell me these things. I'm just not sure why we don't have the same positive experiences when we take Josiah to restaurants.

Last month was free pancake day at I-hop. Rick and Jesse ventured out with Josiah to get some. Josiah adores pancakes. He used to want nothing to eat but pancakes. Since he is non-verbal, Josiah uses an augmentative communication device. We call it his 'talker'. Every time it was turned on, Josiah would navigate through a couple of pages, tapping on the required pictures to communicate his message, "I have time to drink pancakes."

In his busy, hectic schedule, he had time to drink pancakes. That always made me smile. So glad he was able to carve out time for them. Can't imagine what he had to clear off his day to make time for those pancakes, but apparently whatever it was, was worth clearing. He always made time for pancakes.

A trip to I-hop then should have been a walk in the park. Not quite. I kept getting text messages. "Mom, are you home?" "Mom, Josiah is being really annoying." "Mom, can you come get Josiah?" "I am never eating out with Josiah ever again." Jesse apparently had had enough of whatever Josiah was doing at the restaurant. Rick's text messages quickly followed. "This isn't going so well." "Josiah just threw a whole plate of pancakes to the floor. Syrup is every where." "Josiah won't stop screaming".

Unfortunately I didn't get the messages until it was too late. I was not able to help in any way. Somehow Rick and Jesse made it through all the mayhem. I'm sure it wasn't fun. I'm sure they were embarrassed. I'm sure they won't be taking Josiah to I-hop any more.

That was last month. Today, Taylor suggested we eat at Fuddruckers. I guess it's been long enough since the I-hop incident that we kind of forgot. Maybe we all just wanted a break from the norm. For whatever reason, we decided to eat dinner out tonight.

Fortunately, we drove 2 cars. It's always best to have a way to get away, quickly. We've learned that over the years. The girls, Josiah and I arrived at Fuddruckers a few minutes before Jesse and Rick. The instant the van door was opened, Josiah began screaming. He screamed as he got out of the van. He screamed when I tried to put him back in. Now that I think about it, he screamed as we left the house, before we even pulled out of the driveway.

He stopped screaming as we walked in the restaurant and stood in line. Miraculously, he was calm while we ordered. I was so relieved. He had settled down. We would get to enjoy a nice meal together. Or, so I thought.

The second we walked over to get our table, Josiah started screaming again. People turned and stared. They always do. I would too. I whisked him outside while the girls got a table and our drinks. I left them inside. Josiah and I sat outside, at a table by ourselves. He clung to me. He screamed some more.

Eventually, I got tired of sitting outside at an empty table with no food. No family. No fun. I took screaming Josiah to the van. He screamed alot more. I'm guessing he figured out this meant he wasn't going to eat. He was right.

Rick arrived. He had Josiah's food and mine put in to-go containers and brought them out to me. Then he went back to eat with the rest of the kids. I drove home. I ate on the way. Josiah never did eat his. He didn't want it. Rick fed him oatmeal much later.

I know we won't be taking Josiah to I-hop any more. I'm guessing we won't be taking him to Fuddruckers anymore either.

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  1. Just to let you know I've finally added your blog to the Squidoo Lens on Down Syndrome blogs -

    My apologies for it taking so long. I created the lens back when I had more time to devote to it. These days I'm afraid it is only updated rarely.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey :)
