Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Lessons Learned

By 5:22 AM

This marks the 100th blog I've written thus far, about life with Josiah.

I can't imagine that I've ever had that much to say about all of this, but quite obviously, I did.

I can't imagine my life without any of my children. Each one brings inexplicable joy and abundant blessings.

Years ago, if you would have asked me if I was up to the task of raising a child with challenges, I would have shouted NO as loudly as I could have from the roof tops.

I'm glad I didn't get to make that decision.

I can't imagine my life without Josiah.

Despite the struggles and challenges, despite the many sleepless nights, despite a constant need to keep vigilant watch on his every move, I can't possibly even fathom a life without Josiah to love.

This little guy brings so much joy to so many people.

I have met more kind-hearted, compassionate souls through Josiah than I would have ever met without him.

I have learned so much about being self-less and about sacrificing for others than I ever would have without him.

I have learned how to look for joy in the little things and savor small moments, something I don't know that I would have without him.

I have learned to share what I've learned to hopefully encourage and support others.

I have learned that life is not about a selfish pursuit for material gain or about living a life of ease and comfort.

It is so much more than that.

Life is about blessing others, about making a difference and hopefully about making the world a better place to be.

A child with challenges, who has no voice, has taught me that.

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  1. Isn't it amazing what our children can teach us?
