Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Master Plan

By 7:42 AM

Josiah was home sick from school yesterday. He has been getting sick quite a bit lately.

I can only guess this means it's time to move. Here's the logic behind that statement.

When Josiah was born, we lived in Ohio. Every winter our poor boy had serious respiratory problems.

It started when Josiah was just a couple of weeks old. He became ill and then dehydrated.

While in the hospital to get rehydrated, he contracted RSV, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, a highly contagious infection in the lungs and breathing passages.

He stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks. Chandler ended up joining him there.

And thus began our frequent visits to the hospital.

Every time the weather turned cold and we were cooped up indoors, Josiah would get sick. He'd share his germs with all of us and most often, we would ALL get sick.

It happened without fail almost every time we turned around.

Though I'm sure it's a slight exaggeration, it felt like we always had someone in our family at any given moment who wasn't feeling well.

When an opportunity arose for us to move to Texas. I jumped at it.

Here's what I figured. It's warm in Texas. We can get outside in Texas. Josiah won't get sick all the time, if we just live in Texas.

So we sold our house, packed up our 5 kids and moved to Texas.

But guess what? Josiah still gets sick here.

I don't know that he gets as sick as he did in Ohio, but he does get sick a lot.

So, I have a new plan.

We just need to sell this house, pack up the kids and move to the Caribbean.

We can live on the beach and home school. I can teach Josiah to weave hammocks and we can sell them on the sand.

We can rent jet-skis to tourists. We can take families on pontoon boat tours and teach them all about the area. We can sell Pina Coladas from a Tiki hut.

I think it's a brilliant plan. Now, I just need to convince every one else.

I'm sure they will all agree once they understand the method to my madness.

It's really not madness at all. Actually, it's quite genius if I do say so myself.

Besides giving our kids the finest education in the most glorious surroundings and having a lucrative business on the side, it's a fool proof plan for one very important reason.

No one ever gets sick in the Caribbean. Right?

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  1. I think you will need an assistant - packing my bags already!!!
