
Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Oh What a Day

By 10:59 AM

Yesterday, I had the occasion to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

OK, maybe that's just what I told myself.  

To get through the day.

It definitely was a character building sort of day with ample opportunity for selflessness and sacrifice.

Josiah was sick. 

Read that to mean, we were all a little sleep deprived.

It's never a great idea to begin a character building day with minimal rest.  But then again, lack of energy is often times part of the equation when learning to sacrifice and improve selflessness.

Let me just state for the record that character building lessons are not by choice. 

None the less, we often find ourselves plunked down, smack dab in the middle of them.

Quite often.

I'll spare you the graphic details but suffice it to say, there was quite a bit of clean up involved. 

It began with Josiah's early pick up from school and a visit to the Dr. in which I forgot that 2 strong adults, in addition to the strong Dr. are required to successfully get through Josiah's appointments. 

I will NEVER forget that again. 

There was quite a bit of coaxing, a fair amount of bead bribing and more than enough wrestling involved to get us through that short visit. 

Josiah's pediatrician remarked that it had been his best visit with Josiah to date, because in the process of examining my son, he had not broken a sweat.

I, on the other hand, was drenched.

On the way home, Josiah began to expel pretty much everything he had eaten for the past few days, all over the back seat of the car.

Once home, a quick clean up of Josiah and the car and my jacket (which had doubled as the receptacle) was followed by hours of crying and moaning.  Josiah was miserable.

Oh wait.  I'm sparing details.  Forgot.

Let's just say, there was a quick text message to Rick asking if he would PLEASE come home from work as soon as possible.

He did.

And, let's just say, later that night, while I snuck away for a much needed few hours with friends, (don't judge me, it's been MONTHS since I've been out with friends) Rick had his own character building kind of evening. 

It was quite different from mine and involved nearly half a box of baby wipes.

Needless to say, it wasn't long before I received a call from Rick, asking if I would PLEASE come home as soon as possible.

I was already on my way.

If you believe God is sovereign (I do) and if you believe all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (I do), then yesterday was a fabulous day.
It was a day full of unexpected adventure. It was a day full of sacrificial love. It was a day to put my agenda on hold (okay, except for the going out with friends for 3 hours part). It was a day to bless others.

Oh what a day it was.

And I for one, am SO VERY GLAD it is over.  

God isn't finished with me yet.  I'm off to steam clean the carpet.

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