
Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Late Night Fun

By 8:10 AM

Josiah loves milk.

Last night we realized just how much.

Well past Josiah's bedtime, I heard a loud banging sound in the kitchen,  

Assuming Josiah was yanking the oven door open and slamming it closed,  as he lately enjoys doing, I raced to the kitchen to redirect him back to bed.

It wasn't the oven door.

Josiah had yanked a gallon of milk from the refrigerator and hurled it to the ground. 

The lid popped off.

I found Josiah crouching on the floor, staring intently as a stream of milk flowed from the jug, creating a massive, white puddle all around him.

He was fascinated. 

Realizing this brand new gallon of milk was the last one in the house and nearly half empty at this point,  I quickly scooped it up and set it on the counter.

Thats when Josiah leaned forward with large sweeping arm movements and began splashing in the milk. 

Waves of white liquid splattered on the cupboards and on the counter tops and all over Josiah.

He started jumping and giggling.

Oh how I wish I had been able to capture it all on video.  Josiah was having the time of his life.

I started giggling too.

It all happened so fast, it took me by surprise.  

That boy was never so happy.

He was oblivious to my attempts to keep him from slipping and falling on the hard ceramic tile floor. 

He was intent on enjoying his fun. 

Neither of us could stop laughing.

Then the dog joined in. 

Mocha rushed over, quickly lapping up as much milk as she could while Josiah continued squealing and jumping.

It was a frenzied few moments of mischief and mayhem which delighted my boy to no end.

Then, as quickly as it started, it was over.

Rick managed to corral Josiah and whisk him away for some clean up.  I dealt with the mess in the kitchen.

Mocha ran off and rapidly deposited 3 piles of undigested dog food on the carpet.

This morning we woke to a very strong odor in the house. 

Sour milk stench emanated from the kitchen and adjoining laundry room.

It just means a little more cleaning, a bit more scrubbing and alot more laundry.  I really don't mind.

It was such a thrill to see Josiah enjoy something so intently, that I'd do it all over again tonight.

Thank goodness I won't have to.  

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