Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

What a Blessing

By 7:17 AM

I'm not sure how it came about.

Chandler and I were talking yesterday as I drove her to school.  Somehow we got onto the subject of Proms.

Chandler is only 11.  It will be quite a while before we even have to think about shopping for Prom dresses for her.  However, this being Prom season, somehow, the subject came up.

Will you take Josiah to his Prom, I asked?

I quickly glanced over to the passenger seat where Chandler was sitting.  I wanted to catch her initial reaction to my question.

She broke into a huge grin and said, Awe, I would love to take Josiah to his Prom.  That would be so much fun. 

Instantly tears welled in my eyes.

To think that this sweet, precious child has such a heart of compassion melts my heart.

To know that though Josiah may not participate in many school related activities, but already has a date to his Senior Prom is a thrill.

I can just picture it now.  Chandler all dressed up, looking gorgeous, guiding her brother through the evening.

Josiah looking handsome in his tux, holding Chandler's hand, dragging just a few steps behind.

I wonder if they will dance.

I wonder if Chandler will have to get someone to help Josiah in the restroom or if he will be completely self sufficient by then.

I wonder if Josiah will enjoy being there or if the sights and sounds will be too much and he will try to bolt.

While these thoughts are swirling through my mind and I'm relishing in the fact that Josiah has such an amazing, phenomenally sweet sister, Chandler quickly interjected, I would love to take Josiah to his Prom.

I am NOT taking him to mine.

 This girl so loves her brother.  And he adores her.

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  1. That is so sweet and brought me to tears....and then the zing had me laughing! What a compassionate, loving child she is. Direct reflection on her parents!!!!!
