Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

My Plate is FULL

By 6:07 PM

Perhaps I spoke too soon.

Perhaps I am not so great at looking for the good in everything.

Perhaps I react more than I respond.

These last 24 hours have proven that I'm not as pulled together as I like to think.

Here are some of the highlights.

The kids had early release yesterday.  Josiah was home a little after noon and on a tear for some unknown reason.

He thought it funny to find things to knock over, climb on or throw.

I spent the majority of my time trying to redirect him and/orclean up after him.

Jesse needed to be picked up from his school, 25 minutes away, then driven home to pack an over night bag and then driven 25 minutes the other way for a birthday party/sleep over.

I spent over 2 1/2 hours driving around.  The good part is, Josiah was strapped in the van and I had a break from chasing him around the house.

When we got home and I was in the kitchen making dinner, Josiah threw our printer to the ground, cracking it into a few different pieces.

He also climbed on the island in the kitchen.  He stood on it, he bounced on it, he sat on it.

At bedtime, he did not want to sleep, even though he had been up til 3 am the night before.

No surprise there, really. 

I think it was close to 1 am before he finally fell asleep.

This morning, I trimmed the shrubs in front of our house.  They were severely overgrown and needed it.  It was hard work.  It was hot out.  I was shaky by the time I finished.

Breanne needed a ride back to Austin, a 6 hour round trip drive.

She wanted me to highlight her hair before she left.
Chandler needed help making origami dollar bill hearts.

Jesse had to be picked up across town.

Chandler had to be dropped off at a birthday party.

Mocha, our dog, got into it with the big dogs next door and came running home covered in blood. 

She had to get rushed to the vet for stitches in the 1 inch laceration on her upper lip.

Not to mention Josiah's Skweezers were soaked when he woke up this morning and needed to be laundered.

Plus, the mountains of laundry that has piled up, much of it clean, but unfolded had not been put away.

In addition, there were the loads waiting in the laundry room and in the laundry tub that need to be washed.

And it was only 1 pm.  All in just 24 hours.

There's more. I'll spare you the details.

I truly feel at this point, if one more thing, even one itty bitty, teeny tiny, eensy weensy thing should happen in our family anytime soon, I will lose it.

That's why when Rick asked me to check Josiah's hair, I just couldn't do it.

Rick said Josiah has been scratching quite a bit lately.  Josiah never does that.

I don't even want to look.  I just can't.

But, I'm not taking any chances.

Tomorrow, this entire family is getting our heads shaved.

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  1. Candi- Allens MomMay 5, 2012 at 6:20 PM

    Oh NO! Not the hair!!! Please let me know if you find a creature! Yes your day sounded like a hot mess!!! I was just sitting here thinking how am I suppose to think positive about everything in my life like Sandy does. I had read your last post about being positive and I was really trying and sitting here thinking I just can't figure out how. I'm trying tho. Good to know you still have your not so positive moments I was thinking you were TOO perfect there for a minute! :) I still look up to you for being such an amazing woman and mother! And LOVE reading your posts!! Its a good way to vent! Hey I can drop Allen off and they can climb and throw things together! Sooo see it COULD be worse! :)
