Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

My Joy

By 10:37 AM

In the end, there really was no need for concern. 

Josiah's back to his happy, bouncy, sleepless self.

I swear it started the very night I wrote that blog about him sleeping so much.

He's back to staying up til the wee hours of the morning, and with such an abundance of energy that I only wish I could tap into it as well.

I'm grateful for the few days when he slept well.  It was a much deserved respite for both Rick and I.

Josiah was probably just refueling his engines so he could go again for another few months, full speed ahead.

My guess is he recharged with rocket fuel.

And, just in time for school to be out.  Just in time for him to be home all day, every day, hopping around, looking for something to do, though he really only likes to do most things for a few seconds.

If I were looking for someone to take care of him for the summer, say, if I were working full time or something, the newspaper ad I would post might read something like this:

Seeking highly qualified, full time, energetic, extremely motivated, enthusiastic, young, energetic, patient, creative, energetic, talented, skilled, energetic person with a servants heart.  Must be energetic.  A love for bouncing is a plus.  A willingness to switch activities every 10-15 seconds is helpful.  Ability to come up with a full days worth of fun every 15 seconds for an extremely energetic, bouncy 10 year old boy is expected.  Skill at anticipating and preventing trash cans, plates, cups, food products, ipads and most things within reach from being hurled through the air and crashing to the ground is a must.  Excited to joyfully assist with toileting every 60-90 minutes, which may or may not involve a few baths throughout the day, and/or cleaning of the tub in the event it is used as a toilet, is required.  Desire to carry out responsibilities on a volunteer basis is a plus. 

Not sure how many people would be lining up for that job.  Can't imagine my phone would be ringing off the hook or that I would have even one applicant to interview.

I would never post an ad like that in the first place. The joy and the privilege of filling that job description is mine. I couldn't be happier about it. 

I'm thrilled that God gave me that responsibility and also the daily provision to carry it out.  It's solely in His strength and through His grace that I am able to fulfill all the requirements of this divine assignment.

You see, it's in the sacrificing of self; in the giving to others, even when there is nothing left to give, that we truly become who we are supposed to be.

Sleep is highly over rated.  I don't think there are many people on their death beds, grateful for all the sleep they were able to enjoy in their lifetime.

I don't want to have any regrets.  I don't want to live so selfishly that sleep is more important to me than Josiah or any other of my precious children.

Summer is coming and I am ready.

So, bring it on bouncy boy.  This is the stuff memories are made of.

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