Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

The Party Fun Continues

By 10:00 AM

You've already learned of the birthday party Josiah attended recently.

But, I had only shared half of the story. There is more.

After spending over an hour just sitting in the large bouncy house, Josiah was happy to be ushered out.

It was time for pizza, cake and presents. Parents helped their little ones put on shoes and everyone made their way into the big party room.

By the time Josiah was ready to enter, all the children were seated at a long rectangular table. The only seat left was at the far end of the room, up against the wall, past many, many children.

Josiah peeked in the room and decided he wasn't interested.

If he could talk, I clearly envision Josiah looking up at me, saying, 'No Thank you' and politely walking away.

Instead, he spun around and started to bolt out of the room.

I blocked him in the doorway. He plopped himself on the ground.

I placed my hands under each of his arms and gently poked to get him to pop up to stand.

He knows that trick. He spins his body around so I can't get behind him.

He's a smart cookie that kid.

Here's where the story gets good.

Josiah's teacher was at the party. She was very aware of Josiah's resistance to more party fun.

Immediately, she came to the rescue.

I don't remember her exact words, but they were something like this, 'Come on Josiah. Stand up. Come with me.'

And, HE DID.

That boy stood straight up, took her hand and walked to his seat. He walked past all those many, many children as if he had done it a thousand times before.

There was no resistance, no complaint, no plopping down on the ground.

He just took her hand and walked.


That's when the other moms and I started talking.

We've joked for a while now that we all need this amazing teacher to move into our homes. We argue over who has dibs on her.

I figure since we have 2 children living away from home most of the time, it's only logical that she move in with us. She would have her own room here.

I've even offered to move the other 2 kids out of the upstairs to give her an entire floor to herself, along with a private bath.

I used to think it would be helpful to have a mask of her face.

I could put it on when needed and pretend to be her, so Josiah would respond.

Then, I thought it might be necessary to have a life sized cardboard cut out of her to keep around the house.

I'd have to record her voice of course, with specific commands, to play at opportune moments.

But, even better would be to have her with us 24/7 to come to the rescue every time we needed her.

As this phenomenal teacher sat next to Josiah at the party, he actually ate an entire piece of pizza, something he typically refuses to eat.

He even ate the crust.

I couldn't believe that Josiah was sitting calmly at the party table. I couldn't believe that his initial resistance had so quickly turned to willingness. I couldn't believe that he was eating pizza.

I couldn't believe that he looked like he actually belonged at that party.

One of the other mother's noticed my astonishment.

As I was singing the praises of Josiah's teacher and her ability to get not only Josiah but all of the kids she works with, to comply to her wishes, this insightful mom made a comment that hit the nail on the head.

There was an explanation. There was a reason all of us mothers longed for this teacher to move into our homes. There was a reason all of our children so quickly adhere to her requests.

This insightful mom leaned over and explained it to me when she wisely noted, 'She's a Child Whisperer'

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