Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Little Comedian

By 2:40 PM

Josiah slept GREAT last night.

It was the first night in a week that he slept the entire night and STAYED in his own room.

He actually even went to sleep at a decent hour, which I consider a double bonus.

Prior to last night, Josiah has been staying up til 2:30 every morning.

A couple of nights ago, Josiah climbed in our bed after Rick and I were sound asleep.

He started bouncing. He made lots of loud noises. I got up and took my pillow and a blanket to the couch.

Rick woke up a few minutes later, and took Josiah to his room. He helped him climb up into his tent bed and then left the room.

Rick walked past me laying on the couch and announced, I put Josiah to bed.

I smiled, thinking to myself, I don't know that it will be that easy. I'm sure he's going to be bouncing out of there in a few minutes.

Sure enough he did.

I must have drifted off because I didn't see him sneak past. I only remember hearing water running.

I was so tired that I tried to dismiss it. It must be raining I assured myself, though I knew it wasn't.

Perhaps one of the kids flushed a toilet. I knew that wasn't true either.

Finally, I dragged myself off the couch and followed the sound of the water.

Josiah was sitting on the floor just outside the master bathroom. He had turned on the water, full force in my sink.

I got him a cup, filled it twice to the top and he drank it all.

He climbed back in bed, next to Rick, and I curled up once again on the couch. I was not up for any bouncing at this point and just wanted to sleep.

Just as I was falling asleep, I heard more water.

I couldn't believe Josiah was still thirsty after the amount of water he had just consumed.

He wasn't.

When I rounded the corner, Josiah was out of bed and sitting once again, a few feet away from the bathroom, on the floor.

He was giggling, hard.

Josiah had tricked me.

The shower door was wide open and water was bursting full force from the shower head.

I giggled along with him.

Josiah may have many challenges. He may be very limited it what he is able to do independently. He may need help with most every aspect of his life, every day.

But, what I realized at that ridiculous hour of the morning is this.

Josiah can make people laugh. That fills my heart with joy.

Who would have ever guessed it?

Our little guy has a sense of humor.

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