Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Bouncing Back

By 12:00 PM

Josiah is beginning to feel better. He just broke a plate. Earlier today he stood precariously close to the metal trash can in the kitchen. A small grin spread across his face.

I was able to whisk it off to a safe hiding place in the Laundry room before he could touch it.

My reflexes are getting better. Often times, I am able to catch objects in mid air as Josiah hurls them, before they crash to the ground.

Not so just now.

Chandler and I were enjoying a snack at the kitchen table. Josiah sat next to me in his chair.

I gave him his iPad to see what he wanted to eat. He touched the icon that said, I am Josiah.

I smiled. He reminds me of that often.

Then he navigated through to say I want to eat scrambled eggs.

I love that he can 'talk' to us using his iPad and communication app.

I assured him I would make him scrambled eggs in a few minutes. He reached for the iPad again and said, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs.

He must be hungry. I stood up to start his eggs. That's when he reached for my plate.

I spun around and yelled for Chandler to grab it. In the process, she knocked over my cup.

Orange juice covered the table top as the very last cup saucer from the French Countryside collection Rick and I received as a wedding present, shattered in pieces on the floor.

Josiah giggled. He actually climbed out of his chair and hopped a bit near the broken shards. He hopped and he laughed.

Chandler was apologetic. She felt badly for not having grabbed the plate quickly enough. She thought it was her fault it was broken.

As I wiped the table and swept the floor I reminded her it was just a thing. I've never been one to want THINGS.

I explained to her that even as a child thinking about what I wanted as an adult, I never desired fine China or good Crystal or expensive Flatware. It's all just stuff I said.

I would much rather have money to ensure a child has food to eat or a roof over his head or clothes on his back than desire nice stuff.

Hopefully, Chandler will remember the lesson. Life is not about the abundance of stuff but about the abundance of love. That we can shower on others freely.

That being said, I would be forever grateful if someone wanted to shower me with a trip to Bora Bora.

I promise, I wouldn't bring home any STUFF.

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