Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Daily Routines

By 11:08 AM

I absolutely love to create schedules and routines. I love to plan everything in advance, on paper. It's in following the routine or schedule where my system breaks down. I don't always like to complete the necessary tasks once they are scheduled on paper.

However, that has not deterred me from creating routines for the summer. This morning I gave Jesse and Chandler each an open ended routine template for them to complete. It's meant to be filled in each evening so the next day will be planned before it even arrives. The older girls have work and busy social schedules. Their time is already well mapped out. But the younger kids need some type of structure to their days.

I created blank spaces for Jesse and Chandler to fill in to determine what they need/want to do in the following categories: Screen time (limited to 2 hours per day whether it be T.V. or computer or a combination of both), Cleaning, Reading, Creating, Learning, Serving Others, Fun and Interesting Places to Visit.

Last year I tried scheduling each hour of their day. That didn't work so well. Then I tried giving them blocks of time to fill in with various activities. They had to come up with plans for Morning, Afternoon and Evening time slots. That didn't work so well either. So, this year I thought it might be better to give them categories to complete. It's only the first day, so I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

I created one for myself as well. Mine is a little more specific. Each day I have blank spaces to fill in for the following: Clean, Cook, Call, Errands, Must Do, Read, Serve, Plan, Blog, and Fun. It was very easy to fill in each spot. My days are typically bursting at the seams with possibilities. This will help me to narrow down priorities hopefully.

Rick has agreed to do his best to either get to work extra early or a little late each day. When he's home, I can work on completing the items on my to do list. Otherwise, I am with Josiah, doing my best to keep him actively engaged.

Here's how the morning has gone thus far...after his Breakfast, Josiah and I took a ride to drop Breanne off at work. When we got home, I pulled out a chunky 8 piece wooden farm puzzle for Josiah to complete. The first piece was a cinch. Josiah put the horse right where it belonged. The second piece was a bit of a struggle. Josiah knew where to put the goat; he just didn't want to do it. I coerced him with some encouraging words and a few tickles. By the time we got to the pig, piece number 3, Josiah was done with the puzzle. He began to scream and punch himself in the head.

I preserved through the screaming. Josiah started wildly grabbing puzzle pieces in an attempt to throw them around the room. I blocked him. He ripped off his glasses and threw those instead. As soon as he had thrown his glasses, I handed him another puzzle piece and helped him place it in the puzzle. With much anger and non compliance Josiah completed the puzzle. He had to sign 'finished' at the end before I would put the puzzle away.

We moved onto his 'Bang A Ball' toy. Josiah wanted nothing to do with it. He screamed. He jumped up, ran to the kitchen and grabbed things from the counter to throw. Then he raced to the chairs and bar stools. Josiah was able to knock over 2 before I could get to him. That boy is fast.

I decided Josiah needs a cool down when he is out of control. I scooped him up and plopped him down on the bed in my room. Almost immediately, he stopped screaming, sat up and began bouncing. It was then that I grabbed the laptop to write this blog post. He is right here beside me, as calm as can be. As if the frustration from just a few minutes before had never occurred.

I am very grateful he calmed down so quickly. I hope this works every time. But, if this is any indication of what it is going to be like filling in Josiah's time slots, I will definitely have my work cut out for me this summer. I plan to take Josiah to the neighborhood pool for 2 hours each day. It will help the long hours of the day to go by more quickly. It will help to wear him out. It will help him to sleep better at night.

The neighborhood pool is closed today for cleaning. Josiah needs some way to release his pent up energy. He needs something to wear him down a bit. He needs his 'swimming' time. We will not be thwarted by a little thing like the pool being closed. Josiah will get some water time today.

I'm going fill up the bath tub.

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