Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

A Boy and His Dog

By 8:36 PM

Josiah absolutely loves our dog Mocha. It was an instant attraction for him. Not so sure it was for Mocha. A few years ago our children pleaded for a dog. We've always been dog people and have had many of them through the years. It was no surprise the kids were anxious for another one.

My husband however was not interested in a puppy. We have 5 children. More than enough to take care of. A puppy would just mean more work. He never was a dog lover. Not until I surprised him shortly after we were married with our first puppy. Didn't take long for Rick to fall in love with Farley. That dog became such an important part of his life that even many years after he was gone, Farley's face was the screen saver on Rick's work computer.

It had been quite a while since our last dog. So I figured it was time. Rick wasn't convinced the timing was right, so I did what any caring, compassionate mother would do to help her children in a quest for a new pet. I got Rick a puppy for his birthday. Can't very well return a birthday dog.

The kids and I found the most adorable Pug Shitzu mix at a local pet store. We loved her instantly. We had no doubt she would be ours. We bought her on the spot and surprised Rick that night. His birthday was the next day. We named her Mocha. Mocha Latte.

The thrill of puppydom wore off quickly. When most of the family lost interest in doting on Mocha's every move, Josiah seemed to take notice of her. He was fascinated. Josiah would sit by Mocha and simply stare. She was sweet and very gentle with him. She also quickly learned that it was best to sit under Josiah's seat at the Kitchen table. Many of the foods he rejected and threw to the floor were delicious treats to her. They became great friends.

Josiah doesn't take much interest in toys. He does not like T.V. He only tolerates books for a very short time. He can however spend hours with Mocha. On those sleepless nights, when Josiah wakes in the wee hours of the morning, we typically find him over by Mocha's dog bed, sitting with her. So it's only natural that one of Josiah's favorite activities is to take Mocha for a walk.

It's become a ritual they both enjoy. Josiah takes the leash down from the hook in the laundry room and brings it to me. Mocha begins to jump. Josiah begins to gallop. I call it his happy dance. One foot in front of the other, he jump-hops in a straight line, giggling joyfully. I hook her up and off we go.

Josiah is in charge on our walks. He knows exactly how to handle her. Most of the time. He pulls tightly on the leash if she goes too fast. He knows to spin his body around to untangle the two of them if Mocha accidentally wraps herself and the leash around his leg . He knows to stop and wait when she goes to the bathroom.

He hasn't quite figured out when the walk is over. Back in the house, Josiah doesn't always relinquish the leash. He holds on and walks Mocha all around our home. He pulls her wherever he wants her to go. She complies. I think it's adorable. Keeps Josiah busy. Gives me a few minutes to start dinner or take a break.

Such a sweet dog. So glad we decided to get Rick a puppy for his birthday.

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