Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Who Knows What Lies Ahead

By 4:28 PM

We may just end up as hermits, Rick, Josiah and I. The other kids will eventually all grow up, move out and move on. Josiah however will be with us as long as we can take care of him.

I imagine we will become more and more secluded as he gets older. As we get older. Here's why. Josiah is loud. Josiah likes to scream. I don't like loud, especially in public. It's embarassing. It's frustrating. I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to make him stop. It's easier to stay home.

We are already doing the tag team parenting with Josiah. One of us usually always stays home with him while the other one ventures out. I imagine it will eventually turn into neither one of us will go out. We will both stay home with Josiah.

We will hole up in our house. We will all be content to stay home. We will do nothing. If Josiah screams, we won't mind. If Josiah's loud, we probably won't even notice. By then we may both be deaf anyway. We will become hermits.

Today I thought I should just carry ear plugs with me. That might help some. We were in Wal-Mart. Josiah, Chandler and me. Josiah was screaming. It was loud. Chandler was getting annoyed. I was getting annoyed. I thought, I should carry lots of ear plugs in my purse. I could pop some in my ears. I could pop some in Chandler's ears. I could pass them out to people who stop and stare at us.

Maybe a muzzle would work. Maybe someone needs to invent a really cute, nice and soft, non-child-abusive-in-any-way muzzle for screamers. The world would be aghast. There would be an outburst from many parents. There may even be a law suit.

Parents were aghast years ago when toddlers were put in harnesses and walked around in public on leashes. Nowadays, they are cute and cuddly little backpack type harnesses that look like adorable stuffed animals. The leashes are monkey tails or lion tails. Nobody stares much anymore. Parents of very energetic children understand sometimes this is exactly what it takes to be able to venture out with your child and maintain some sanity.

I wonder if the world would ever embrace the muzzle idea? My guess is no. Parents of loud, screaming Autistic children might be a bit more open to it. But I just don't see it becoming a normal part of every day life. Can't imagine walking through Target and smiling knowingly as another mother strolls past with her child, soft, plushy, adorable stuffed-animal-like muzzle in place.

Oh well, I kind of liked the hermit idea better anyway.

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  1. Too bad someone can't develop some kind of noise canceling device to take care of the screaming. I'm teaching IPC and we are talking about sound right now. I'm thinking the cute fuzzy muzzle would probably not go over too well either but I'm sure I would be thinking the same thing. Hang in there.... :>
