Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

Taking Care of Our Boy

By 7:55 AM

Yesterday, we took Josiah to see a specialist.  The specialist needed to draw blood.

As soon as the Dr asked if we wanted to have it done, Rick and I glared at each other.  

We hesitated for a moment, knowing full well what a blood draw would entail.

We try to prepare Josiah, as much as possible for what is about to happen to him BEFORE it happens. 

Not really knowing how much he truly understands, it seems best to explain pretty much everything.

On the way to the appointment yesterday, I told Josiah a couple of different times that he was going to see a new Dr.  

I told him we were just going to sit in a room with this new Dr. and talk.  I told him there would be no pain.  

Unintentionally, I lied.

Josiah was hesitant to walk in the examining room.  I don't blame him.  

He has had to endure more than his fair share of pain over the years from more than his fair share of well meaning health care professionals.

He may be non verbal.  He may have Down Syndrome and Autism.  But this boy is smart and he knows which situations to avoid.

Up to a point, Josiah was relatively cooperative, once we coerced him in the room.  

He tolerated the preliminary exam pretty well, only refusing the blood pressure check.  

Well, and the weight and height part too.  

But they were able to get his weight by adding his and Rick's together as Rick held Josiah on the scale and then subtracting Rick's weight once he set Josiah down.

Josiah did let them check his temperature with a quick swipe across his forehead.  That part happened so fast I think it took him by surprise.

We were escorted to another room and Josiah quickly crawled up into Rick's lap.  His guard was up.

Initially, we did just talk.  The Dr. checked Josiah's records and asked some questions.  

We shared some information and he gave us his thoughts.

At one point, there was a quick attempt at listening to Josiah's heart while Josiah pushed the stethoscope away.

So Rick and I hesitated when the Dr. asked to do a blood draw.   We could see Josiah growing increasingly uncomfortable. We knew it would be a challenge.

Knowing that it would be beneficial and provide helpful insight, and knowing that we were already IN the room where it would take place, we agreed.  

3 assistants came to help.  It was definitely a group effort.

It took all 3 nurses, Rick and myself to hold our 70 lb little guy.

Josiah has super human strength.

I'm not joking.  

It took 2 attempts from one very unhappy boy to get what they needed.

And then it was over.

Just like that.  

Josiah strolled out of that office like he'd been doing it for years.  

He did try to drag me through an emergency exit on the way out and had some minor difficulty with the elevator and the stairs once we exited the office.  

But, in comparison to his most recent dental appointment, this was a walk in the park.

I'll save that story for another day.  

I'm still trying to deal with the trauma of that whole experience myself.

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