
Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

The Fire Swamp

By 10:46 AM

Josiah stayed home from school yesterday.  He had a fever and slept almost all day.

This morning he woke early and seemed a bit better.  

He wasn't bouncy, which would indicate he was all the way better, but he was definitely smiley.

Though still a bit lethargic, his interest in a string toy reassured me he was on the mend.

Then I heard him cough,

If you know The Princess Bride movie, undoubtedly you remember the Fire Swamp scene.

Westley rescues Buttercup from lightening quicksand, then discusses their next move.

Entering the deadly swamp is the only way out of their dire situation, yet Buttercup knows if they do, they won't survive.

With a smile on his face, Westley tells her they have already succeeded.  He proceeds to describe the three terrors of the Fire Swamp.

The first one is the flame spurt.  There's a popping sound preceding each, which they can avoid.

I thought of this scene as Josiah began coughing.  It was just like the Fire Swamp

First a cough, then a spurt.

Instantly, Rick and I jumped into action, racing toward Josiah.

As he was bathing, I thought again of that movie.  (By the way, if you haven't seen it, I would recommend that you do.  It's very entertaining.)

None of us ever knows what lies ahead.  There are road blocks and obstacles.  There are difficulties and pitfalls and dangers.  

Often, we have no control over life's struggles, but we do have control over how we respond.

Buttercup lost hope.  

Westley didn't.

I like that.

I'm pretty sure this will not be Josiah's last illness. 

I know as Rick and I get older and Josiah grows stronger,  it won't always be easy caring for him.  

I'm certain there will be difficult days ahead.  

But I also completely trust that God has a plan and a purpose.  His ways are better than mine.  
Therein lies my hope.

In the Fire Swamp of life, I choose to be a Wesltey.

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    1. Best movie EVER :) I love your analogy that our lives are like life in the fire swamp. I am going to remember that for a long time. Thanks
      Found you via love that max link-up
