Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

If Only He Would Sleep

By 10:35 AM

I've been trying to figure out why Josiah is so energetic at night. 

Why is it that even after a full day of activity, he gets a second wind around 8 pm? 

Just about the time he should be settling down for sleep, Josiah gets wired and hyper and bouncy.

Why does it last past 9 pm and 10 pm and 11 pm and often times well past midnight? 

Just the amount of energy he expends from 8 pm til he finally conks out would be enough to exhaust most full grown adults. 

But it doesn't seem to phase Josiah.

I just don't get it. 

Josiah's sleeping habits have always been very different than ours.  We've always had to make adjustments for his sleep schedule.

Sometimes there will be a few days where he will go to sleep at a decent hour and sleep all through the night.

But those times are rare. 

And quite honestly, usually it means he's sick.

If the only way I can get a full nights sleep is for Josiah to be sick, then I'd rather stay up all night.

I'm thinking that one of these days soon he has got to hit a growth spurt.  Surely he will sleep then.

Yesterday, Josiah's teacher texted me and then called.  Josiah had been sleeping all morning in class.

Apparently, he fell into a very deep sleep, shortly after arriving at school.  Even after a few hours of letting him rest,  they were not able to wake Josiah enough to keep him awake.

That's when I had a light bulb moment.

If I could just get keys to the school, my life would be transformed.

On those nights when Josiah struggles to settle enough for sleep, I will simply drive to the school, plop him down in a chair in his classroom and wait.

I'm sure in a few minutes, that boy would be sound asleep and snoring,

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