Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

A Year In The Making

By 9:41 AM

This morning, I looked back at all the blog posts I have written about Josiah. I'm not sure why I felt the need to do this.

Moments earlier I sat down and created a 'To Do' list for my day. I even wrote start times next to a few items.

My day was mapped out. It needed to start immediately. Next to the first item on my list, I had written, NOW.

So, why then did I sit down and scroll through past postings?

I was quite surprised actually when I discovered that it has been one year to the day since I've started blogging about Josiah. March 22, 2011 was my very first blog.

One entire year. Wow. So much adventure and so much growth in just one short year.

I decided this morning, to print out each of the blog posts. I'm not sure why. That was certainly NOT on my 'To Do' list. It will mean other things will have to be moved to tomorrow's list.

It's a big job, printing out 80 some pages. I have to open each in an editing window. Copy and paste into a word document. Print, staple and organize in order.

After about 7 pages, I stopped and decided to write this instead. I'll get back to printing the rest at another time.

Something I read as one of the last pages printed, caught my attention. It was a blog from March 25th of last year. It was entitled, Help is Here. I was ecstatic about receiving a urine guard in the mail. I knew it was going to revolutionize my life.

It was the last 2 sentences of that blog that jumped out at me. I had written, Last week, I met a woman who's daughter was not (potty) trained until age 10. I will keep you posted.

So, I'm keeping you posted.

Josiah is 10. He turned 10 in January. We've had the urine guard for almost an entire year. We've been working on toilet training with him, since he's been 2 or 3.

Josiah should be toilet trained by now, right?

So, here's what I'm thinking. This is what I've been convicted of recently. It is TIME. The time is NOW for Josiah to be able to do this thing by himself.

I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and force my hand. No more pull-ups.

Whatever happens, happens. I will just have to deal with it and look for the joy in it.

Surely, it can't be that difficult. Surely, Josiah will 'get it' and not like feeling wet or messy. Surely, he will seek me out to let me know he needs to go the bathroom BEFORE accidents happen, right?

I sure hope so. Or else, I can just hear it now.

Have fun at the prom Josiah. Oh, and honey, don't forget your pull-ups.

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  1. Haha...I know it was an honest typo. Maybe even an autocorrect. But you wrote "This is what I've been convicted of recently." It made me chuckle, as if you had committed a crime. Good luck!
