Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.


By 7:56 PM

I've started affectionately referring to Josiah as Tigger. Tigger likes to bounce. Josiah likes to bounce too. Josiah bounces constantly. He bounces in his bed. He bounces at the kitchen table. He bounces on the toilet seat. He bounces on my bike. He bounces in the van. He bounces in the tub. He bounces across the floor. Then, he bounces back again.

Josiah can go from sleeping peacefully to wide awake and bouncing in 0.2 seconds. It's amazing. I've watched him. One minute he is snoring. Snoring, I tell you and the very next second his eyes open up and ZING, in one swift motion he is up on his knees bouncing.

If I happen to be on the bed when Josiah bounces, I get dizzy. He bounces with great vigor. He bounces with great delight. He bounces until I make him stop. A few minutes later he goes back to bouncing.

I've started video taping some of Josiah's bouncing activity. One day he bounced on his knees from one end of the house to the other, over and over and over again. I can't be positive because I didn't keep accurate time but I swear it was close to 40 minutes of bouncing.

Tonight he bounced in our booth at a restaurant. If he had food in his mouth, he sat still. The instant the food was swallowed, he started bouncing.

I can't imagine the amount of energy required for the amount of bouncing this boy does in a given day. He should be exhausted by bedtime I would think. He isn't.
It takes some heavy duty medication along with some natural sleep aides to calm him enough to get him to sleep.

We met with a new psychiatrist today. I had great hopes that we would get some answers. We brought along the list of medications Josiah consumes on a daily basis. We brought along Josiah. We said, Josiah has great difficulty settling down. He is in constant motion. He bounces alot. He needs something to help calm him. He needs something to help him focus at school. He needs help. We need help.

After carefully studying Josiah's information and looking over his list of medications, we were told he is on the right doses for each one. There is nothing more that can be done. He is doing well we were told.

Are you kidding me? We had to wrestle the boy out of the van, in the door and up the elevator just to get him to the Dr.'s office. He bounced so much in the waiting room that Rick had to take him out for long walks down the hall while I filled out mountains of paperwork. We had to wrestle him out the door and back into the elevator and into the van when the appointment was over. He bounced all the way back to school. This is doing well?

I have a plan. Josiah can have a sleep over with the new Dr. this weekend. I'll drop him off Friday afternoon and pick him back up on Monday morning. She and I can chat on Tuesday.

My guess is, she would be singing a different tune by then. And undoubtedly, Josiah would be bouncing right along beside her.

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