Heaven Is For Real
I recently finished reading an amazing book, 'Heaven Is For Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back' by Todd Burpo. Who am I kidding? I rarely have time to read. I recently finished listening to this amazing story.
I discovered a few months ago that it is much easier to download audio books to my phone and listen to them while I go about my day doing laundry, cooking meals, cleaning bathrooms etc. than to ever imagine I will have time to sit and actually read them.
This book was so fascinating that I listened to 17 chapters the first day and finished it the second. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. Without spoiling the story, I was most fascinated with this little boys matter of fact attitude about all he saw and heard in heaven. It confirmed what I already believe and added to what I never knew.
Yesterday a dear friend told me her grandmother passed away. The news she had just received was devastating though she knew it would be coming any day. Her grandmother had been an important part of her life and had created many amazing childhood memories for her. She was deeply saddened by her passing.
My instant reaction upon hearing about my friends grandmother was not one I expected. Not having ever met my friends grandmother, I was sad for my friend, but oh so happy for her grandmother. My entire perspective about life has shifted since finishing the Heaven book. I almost can't wait to get there. I know her grandmother is rejoicing right now. I know the first face she saw was the face of Jesus. I know she was greeted by family and friends who made it to heaven before her. I'm sure it was a great celebration. Who wouldn't be rejoicing in that situation?
The heaven book gave me great comfort for many reasons. I've always known there is no sickness in heaven. I know when Josiah gets there, he will be no longer have Down Syndrome. He will no longer have Autism. He will no longer be so hyper that he bounces and bounces and bounces. He will no longer be so frustrated that he screams for hours on end. I know he will be able to talk. He will have so many things to tell me. I long for the day I can just sit by his side and listen.
I wonder what Josiah might tell me. I wonder if he will remember specific situations. I wonder if he will be able to explain to me exactly what he was feeling and why he reacted as he did. I wonder if any of it will even really matter.
Our time on earth is so fleeting. My friend shared that with me yesterday. She has lost so many close relatives in such a short amount of time. It's been difficult for her. The lesson she takes from this is life is short. Embrace it while you can.
I do believe we are here for a purpose. I daily ask God to guide my steps. I don't want to waste any time. What ever it is I was created to do, I want to be doing right now. I don't want to miss it. I want to love. I want to serve. I want to make a difference.
The perspective I have had for a while, but since 'reading' the Heaven book has been deeply cemented is this; we are on vacation right now. This is just a temporary destination. We are not meant to be here for too long. Our home is in Heaven. Just like when returning from a week long fabulous family vacation, you are happy to get home, you will be even more so when you get home to Heaven.
If you haven't read the book, make time to do so. Download an audible version if your life is crazy busy and you have no time to read. I hope they make a movie of it someday. More people need to hear the message a little boy brings about Heaven.
And about hope.
Enjoy your vacation here on Earth. I hope I get to meet you at home in Heaven someday.
Out of the mouth of babes! Read that book in one day! It is such a comforting read. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. Just imagine... no more aches, pains, tears, frustrations, illness, disease or gray hair in heaven. Sweet!