Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

A Grateful Heart

By 9:10 PM

I am grateful. Grateful for so many things. It would be easy to focus on frustrations and disappointments. It would be easy to become discouraged and even bitter maybe. It would be easy to wallow in self pity. I choose not to.

I have a friend battling a difficult disease. For many months she has had many obstacles to overcome. She is fighting for her life. Yet she is one of the most positive people I know. Her fight is not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination. She has an online journal for others to read. She writes when she is strong enough. She keeps us up to date on her progress. She inspires us.

She has an amazing sense of joy and thankfulness. She stops and notices the moments of blessing in each and every day. She encourages us to do the same.
She is amazing.

She will write a book one day. I have no doubt it will be a best seller. She has tapped into something that can help so many others. She doesn't feel sorry for her self and her struggles. She moves forward with gratitude, determination and a great amount of joy. She laughs alot. She has learned what so many haven't figured out yet. Live for today.

Everything is a matter of perspective. My friend knows it is far better to be appreciative and to look for the wonder all around us than to dote on adversity.

I have adopted her attitude. In the midst of the chaos and challenges in my life I strive for joy. There is always something to be thankful for. Sometimes it just takes looking a litte harder.

I am grateful for a wonderful husband who recently encouraged me to jet off at a moments notice to spend a week soaking up the sun on a beautiful beach in Florida. Not many husbands would be so willing. He had hectic, busy mornings getting all the kids up and ready, then driving them to school. It's a job that usually takes both of us. He left work 2 hours early each day to pick the kids up from school. He made dinner every night. He did all the bed time routines. He cleaned the house. He did the laundry. He never complained. What a blessing he is in my life.

I am grateful for my phenomenal friend Karan, who offered her fabulous beach home on the sand in Florida. A week of rest and relaxation, catching up with a precious friend was priceless. She has been there to help out more times than I can count. She flew down to our home last year to stay with our children so Rick and I could get a much needed week alone together. She made our kids feel so special while she was with them. She took them to exciting places. She cleaned our house. She cooked meals. She cleaned the oven. She had the dog groomed. She even steam cleaned our carpets. She is a gift in my life. I am blessed to know her.

I am grateful for my fabulous friend LuAnn, who in the midst of her own challenges and hectic schedule brought a delicious meal to my family while I was relaxing in Florida. When we lived in Ohio, she flew to stay with our children right after Josiahs extended 3 week hospital stay. She left her own young children to come take care of mine. She did our laundry. She took our kids to the zoo. She cooked meals. She let me sleep. She has been a steady source of encouragement and support. She is always there. She always knows exactly what I need. She blesses me more than she knows.

I am grateful for a 10 year old daughter who has compassion beyond her years. She treats Josiah with such love and kindness. She accepts him just as he is. She is his friend. Watching them together fills me with so much joy.

I am grateful for family members who have walked by our side through many of the struggles we've endured. They have listened to us. They have comforted us. They have supported us. They have prayed for us.

I am grateful for my children who have had to endure a life that has often times been difficult but who have made the best of it. Children who weren't always able to get as much of my time and attention as they deserved, yet who rose above to put others first. They are precious blessings in my life.

I am grateful that God equips me each and every day to do His work. For without His strength, I could do nothing. It is only by His grace that I make it through.

I am grateful for Josiah. Being his mother has taught me that there is always something to be grateful for.

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