Josiah's Journey

Navigating life with a special needs child.

What Would You Do?

By 4:37 AM ,

The call came early.

 I remember the phone ringing.  I remember thinking, this is it.  The Dr. is going to tell us our unborn child has Down Syndrome.

I just knew like you know about things. 

The funny thing is I was fine with it.  I really was.

Even before the amniocentesis, I remember reassuring my sister everything would be okay.

We have 4 'normal' children.  It will be interesting to see what life is like with one who just has a few more hurdles to jump over, I told her.

After the Dr. confirmed it,  I needed the right way to explain it to the girls.

The next morning I asked, Do you remember when the doctor asked you to leave the room during the ultrasound?  Do you know why he did that?

This baby is going to have Down Syndrome.  Do you know what that is?

 I am NOT having a child with a disability in my family!  The oldest was indignant.

 Remember this is the same child who wanted to ship her first sibling to Alaska.  I was undaunted.  "Well sweetie, you don't get to choose.  God does and He chose our family for this child.  Then I began to explain further with a story.  Here is what I said. 

Imagine you are standing in a single file line.  You're not quite sure why you are there, but you know you are right where you should be.  As far as you can see in front of you and as far as you can see behind, there are people waiting, just like you. 

No one seems to be in a hurry.  Everyone is very content to just wait. The line moves slowly and you can eventually see as you get closer hands reaching down to give each peson a beautiful box.

Now you start to get excited.  You had no idea you would get a gift.

Each box is beautifully wrapped with goreous ribbon and a big, enormous bow.  You've never seen anything quite like this.  You can hardly wait to get yours.

It's almost your turn.  It's clear now the hands you see belong to God.  Each person is being given a gift straight from the hands of God.

Everyone is so happy.  Each person skips away with her box, thanking God for her beautiful gift.

It's your turn.  You reach up to take your box.  Then pause. Your box looks very different from all the others.

The paper is torn. The corner is crumpled and smashed in.  The bow is missing. The ribbon is ripped.

God is standing there handing this gift to YOU.

I waited just a moment, then asked my girls, what would you do? 

Without a moment's hesitation the oldest replies, what's in the box? 

The younger sister's voice wells up with emotion, I would take that box and love that box and keep that box forever.

Many people have commented God only chooses special people for His special children.

I know they are meant as words of comfort.  They are not always comforting.

My comfort is in knowing God has plans for us and plans for this child.  He will be with us through this entire journey. 

That alone gives me peace.

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